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UNT CVAD welcomes artist Emmy Bright for the Spring and Summer 2023 exhibition

"It Gets Better Or It Doesn't"
March 21–July 8, 2023
CVAD Gallery, UNT Art Building, Room 160


Free | Open to the Public: Please join us!


Gallery Hours

  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday: Noon–5 p.m.
  • Thursday: Noon–8 p.m.
  • Sunday-Monday: Closed

Emmy Bright is an artist in residence and head of the Print Media Department at Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, Mich.


"It Gets Better Or It Doesn’t" brings together over 35 of Bright's works including prints, drawings, sculptures, quilts, and videos. Bright works with drawing, writing, print and performance to investigate the problems of connection and the problems of boundaries. The exhibition explores contemporary culture and collaboration threads, including delight in despair and the enthusiasm we find in dark moments. The exhibition will demonstrate the vastness of creative practice and output.


Bright says she creates performances, drawings, prints, and zines that merge high theory, pop songs, psychoanalysis, comedy, art history and philosophy. Disciplinary language can conscript us into certain ways of thinking, but it can also be undone and used against itself. "My practice is about undoing, compelling systemic logic to attack itself. I champion the stupid, the wrong, and the failed narrative; I make comparisons that fall apart and diagrams that try to explain but instead contain their own undoing. She works to upend normative good sense to find something more complex, gnarly and real.

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  • Sravya Uppala

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